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Livelihoods for Resilience

The Feed the Future Ethiopia – Livelihoods for Resilience Activity (L4R) is a USAID project that ran from 2016-2023. Building from a preceding project—Graduation with Resilience to Achieve Sustainable Development (GRAD)—the Livelihoods for Resilience Activity supports Productive Safety Net Program (PSNP) households to build resilient livelihoods with improved food and nutrition security, even in the face of shocks and stresses.


The project works in support of the livelihoods component of the Government of Ethiopia’s PSNP, and targets PSNP households in 37 woredas of Amhara, SNNP, Sidama, and Tigray regions, with the aim of enabling 97,900 households to graduate with resilience from the PSNP. During the cost extension period, the Livelihoods for Resilience Activity has expanded to four woredas of Oromia as well (Kurfachelle, Girawa, Chiro, and Gemechis), for a total of 41 woredas covered.

The Livelihoods for Resilience Activity is implemented by a consortium of organizations led by CARE, which plays an overall leadership role and implements field activities in Sidama (now its own region), Gedeo Zone of SNNPR, three woredas of Southern Tigray, and Oromia. ORDA Ethiopia implements activities in Amhara, the Relief Society of Tigray (REST) implements in Tigray, and Agri Service Ethiopia (ASE) implements in Hadiya Zone of SNNPR. SNV provides technical support for value chain development, private sector engagement, and agricultural input supply.

A man rests against a stone wall and holds up a black boot.

Project objectives

The purpose of Livelihoods for Resilience is to enable 97,900 chronically food insecure households to graduate with resilience from the PSNP. The project has four sub-purposes and eleven expected outcomes, as outlined below:

  • Members of PSNP households have increased capacities for undertaking resilient livelihoods
  • PSNP households have economically viable and resilient livelihood portfolios
  • An enabling environment supports resilient livelihoods for PSNP households
  • Collaboration, learning and adaptive management processes enhance, scale up, or facilitate replication of impact
Livelihoods for Resilience

Highlighted Resources

L4R-RUSACCOs and their contribution to financial inclusion for VESA members (Learning Brief #6)

This brief explores the Livelihoods for Resilience Activity’s experience working with rural saving and credit cooperatives (RUSACCOs) and managing their relationships with members of village economic and social associations (VESAs). The brief does not aim to be a comprehensive brief on RUSACCOs and their pros and cons, but rather delves into the various ways in which the project engaged with RUSACCOs, the implementation processes and achievements in financial inclusion, and the lessons learned and recommendations for the future.

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Livelihoods for Resilience (L4R)

The Feed the Future Ethiopia – Livelihoods for Resilience Activity (L4R) is a USAID project that ran from 2016-2023.

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L4R- VESA digitalization (Learning brief #4)

This brief explores the project’s experience piloting the digitalization of village economic and social associations (VESAs)’ record keeping and sharing of digital information with a micro-finance institution (MFI), with the objective of helping VESA members in Sidama access MFI loans more quickly. The brief delves into the potential benefits of digitalization, the challenges faced during implementation, the outcome of the pilot, and the lessons learned from the process.

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Livelihoods For Resilience May 2023

The Feed the Future Ethiopia – Livelihoods for Resilience Activity (L4R) is a 6.5-year USAID-funded project running from December 2016 through July 2023. Read project results and information from May 2023.

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Livelihoods for Resilience Innovation Brief #1 – Poultry Voucher

This innovation brief explores Livelihoods for Resilience's experience with piloting poultry vouchers, including what worked and what didn't work, unexpected challenges, and how L4R adapted its approach as it scaled up the poultry voucher.

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Voucher-based Approach to Soap Distribution

In the chronically food insecure areas in which Livelihoods 4 Resilience operates, COVID-19 has had severe economic impacts. This evaluation by SCALE reviews how L4R adapted to a voucher-based approach to distribute soap and encourage handwashing to help prevent the spread of COVID-19.

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Perma-gardening – Livelihoods for Resilence 2020

This learning brief explores Livelihoods for Resilience's experience promoting perma-gardening including, changes, successes and...

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Cash Transfers – Livelihoods for Resilience 2020

This learning brief explores Livelihoods for Resilience's experience with cash transfers for households affected by conflict in Ethiopia...

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Victory Over Poverty

A Village Economic and Savings Association discusses finance, borrowing and saving in Ethiopia.

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Potatoes Brighten Futures (Livelihoods for Resilience) CARE Ethiopia

Alemayehu Lemma, 52, and Abebech Debebe, 40, started to see a bright future when they discovered how to significantly increase their potato yield. They were astounded when they increased their production six-fold and harvested 40 quintals of potatoes in a single season.

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Sheep fattening accelerates food security (Livelihoods for Resilience) CARE Ethiopia

Engaging in sheep and goat fattening can bring fast returns on investment and help put rural households on the path towards food security. This story of Worku and Sendnesh is just one example of how fattening can transform rural households’ livelihoods for the better.

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Spicing up rural livelihoods through pepper production

Smallholder farmers in Sidama and Gedio zones of South Ethiopia who participate in the Feed the Future Ethiopia – Livelihoods for Resilience Activity have discovered that improved pepper seed and agronomic practices help them to have better production, and earn good income. Tefera Yohannes is one of these farmers.

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Beekeeping sweetens family food security: Livelihoods for Resilience

Teshale and Medena’s leafy backyard is buzzing with bees, as they are engaged in improved beekeeping following a short-term training facilitated by the Feed the Future Ethiopia – Livelihoods for Resilience Activity. Even if you are afraid of bees, it is worth facing your fear to hear Teshale and Medena’s story and see their exemplary beekeeping success!

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