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Know How

Women have the power to create a better, more equal world.

Script text that says "Women Know How"

Women hold the key to changing our world for the better.

This International Women’s Day, CARE celebrates fearless women leaders, entrepreneurs, and changemakers who know better than anyone how to lead and how to achieve success despite all the obstacles the world throws in front of them. Because, after all, Women Know How.


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They said women couldn’t get it done. They were wrong.

Stories from around the world of CARE that show us every day that #WomenKnowHow

A woman with a wrench? ‘Why not?’

Ra’edah Abu Alhalaweh has an unusual keychain, especially for a Jordanian woman. Among the keys is a miniature adjustable crescent wrench. This mother of six carries it as a sign of her chosen profession – plumbing.

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Burgers, with a side of empowerment

Elisa “Ely” Alvarado started her fast-food business with just 1,000 lempiras ($40), in a tent on a vacant lot. Today, in the Honduran town of Villenueva, she offers a full fast-food menu from a sturdy concrete building on the exact same site where she first had her tent.

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Nutrition puts the sweet in sweet potatoes

Macimilla used to grow sugarcane on her farm in western Kenya, but it was expensive and crop yields were meager. Today she grows 18 varieties of sweet potatoes. Who knew there were so many types? She did.

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From low iron to Iron Woman

Ejure's community in Ghana suffered from iron deficiency. Then she learned how to prepare more nutritious meals. Today, we call her Chef Ejure.

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CARE and P&G work toward creating a more empowered world which fosters educational and economic opportunities for women and girls as well as improves access to clean drinking water and proper hygiene.

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Steve Madden