International Centre for Diarrhoeal Disease Research, Bangladesh (icddr,b), in collaboration with CARE USA and CARE Bangladesh, is leading an impact evaluation of the Tipping Point approach in Bangladesh. In program areas, there were high rates of child marriage reported, and girls’ aspirations for when they will get married is at odds with their reality. The majority of girls accepted gender-inequitable attitudes, including control by their family about their mobility and other aspects of their lives. Girls rarely negotiate marriage, since social norms related to girls’ voice and decision-making would lead to girls’ opinion being ignored. Girls’ interaction with boys outside of family was also restricted and the result of violating this norm could be early marriage. The study recommends building girls’ movement for collective action in favor of girls’ rights and community sensitization to girls’ rights, both of which are important components of the Tipping Point Phase 2 package.
Women (in VSLAs) Respond, an ongoing exercise conducted by CARE, listens to how women in Village Savings & Loan Associations (VSLAs) are affected by and responding to shocks and crises in their communities. Read More
As the global economy undergoes two major shifts—the AI revolution and the green transition—we are at a critical crossroads: these transitions hold the power to help bring about a more equitable economy, but today’s markets are failing women. If we fail to act now and reshape markets, we risk aggravating inequality for generations to come and missing out on trillions worth of global growth. This report highlights systemic barriers women face in today's economies, the cost of inequality, and the opportunities for investing in women to create a thriving future for all. Read More
Strive Women’s 2024 baseline research assessed participants' financial health, financial inclusion, and business performance. This brief highlights findings related to entrepreneurs' confidence, decision-making, and control within Strive Women’s Financial Health Framework. Read More