Since 2015, CARE has been tracking impact metrics in line with the Sustainable Development Goals. In 2021, CARE shifted to 30 impact indicators for CARE’s Vision 2030, still aligned with the SDGs. The SDGs represent a collective, global commitment to a transformed world. It is only right that an organization like CARE also be accountable to demonstrating how its work contributes to these shared goals toward this collective vision. Between 2015 and 2024 CARE and our partners have contributed to global change for 210 million people in 86 countries. We use the word “contributions” deliberately: in all our work, change happens through the combined efforts of many different actors, including civil society and movements, governments, and the private sector. Our programs are just some of the contributing factors that lead to these impacts and outcomes. Read More
Women (in VSLAs) Respond, an ongoing exercise conducted by CARE, listens to how women in Village Savings & Loan Associations (VSLAs) are affected by and responding to shocks and crises in their communities. Read More
As the global economy undergoes two major shifts—the AI revolution and the green transition—we are at a critical crossroads: these transitions hold the power to help bring about a more equitable economy, but today’s markets are failing women. If we fail to act now and reshape markets, we risk aggravating inequality for generations to come and missing out on trillions worth of global growth. This report highlights systemic barriers women face in today's economies, the cost of inequality, and the opportunities for investing in women to create a thriving future for all. Read More