Its objectives include increasing the productivity and empowerment of 50,000 poor women farmers in sustainable and equal agricultural systems; enhancing the scale of high-quality women-responsive agricultural programming within and beyond CARE; and influencing debates and policy dialogue on women and agriculture at local, national, and global levels.
With the generous support of the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, CARE’s Pathways program is based on the conviction that women farmers possess enormous potential to contribute to long-term food security for their families and substantially impact nutritional outcomes in sustainable ways. The goal of Pathways is to increase the productivity and empowerment of women farmers in more equal agriculture systems at scale. A December 2016 evaluation by the New Economics Foundation shows that for every $1 invested, communities get a $31 return on investment.
CARE’s Pathways program is using several innovative approaches to achieve our results. A couple of our innovations at work are:
- Focusing on Equality for Women and Girls: We know that the face of hunger is largely female, and promoting equality helps reduce food insecurity. We use our women’s empowerment framework to guide our interventions to make sure we are building equality by looking at agency, structures, and relations. Read some approaches for measuring equality.
- Farmers’ Field and Business Schools: An experiential learning approach that puts farmers at the center of learning and includes sessions on nutrition, marketing, and equality for women and girls in addition to agricultural practices.
- Push-Pull Approaches: A model that aims to graduate people out of poverty by building their skills and assets and connecting them to markets.
- Participatory Performance Tracker: A tool that lets communities assess the changes that have happened and decide what steps we need to take next.
- Engaging Men and Boys: A framework that helps men and women think about how more equal relationships help everyone accomplish more.
- Looking at Resilience: Through a generous donation from the Margaret A. Cargill Foundation, CARE is exploring how to make sure that all of the agriculture and livelihood skills we support are climate-resilient, and that communities have the tools they need to face an increasingly unpredictable agricultural context.
Program achievements
Using improved agricultural methods, Farmers’ Field and Business Schools, new marketing techniques, and lessons on nutrition and equality, CARE and the communities we work with have been able to have a huge impact. Since the program began, Pathways has:
- Seen a $31 return on every $1 invested, as measured in Ghana, Mali, and Malawi.