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The Vanuatu Photo Project: Meet Ann-Ruth & Florence

"I believed in myself and that I could do anything that I set my heart to," says Florence. Photo by Ann-Ruth.

"I believed in myself and that I could do anything that I set my heart to," says Florence. Photo by Ann-Ruth.

“Most importantly, through it all, I came to discover who I am and what I want," says Florence.

Florence is a 29-year-old mother of three beautiful children, two sons and a daughter. She lives in Vanuatu’s capital, Port Vila.

When Florence was growing up, her parents divorced. She found the divorce very challenging, but it also contributed to shaping who she is today.

The obstacles she has overcome have given her perspective and encouraged Florence to think creatively about the next steps in her life.

This mindset is what motivated her to be part of CARE’s Young Women’s Leadership Program (YWLP). Florence shared, “I believed in myself and that I could do anything that I set my heart to.”

Florence saw the program as an excellent opportunity for her to grasp, develop and broaden her knowledge and skills to become someone that her family would look up to one day.

Photo by Ann-Ruth

Throughout the program, Florence encountered experiences that inspired her to grow. She gained knowledge and built skills that enabled her to become a leader at home, at her local church, within her community, on her island and at her workplace. The people she met through the YWLP network further inspired and impacted what she does and who she is today. Florence currently works as a Gender Equality Together Officer at CARE in Vanuatu, where she supports delivery of the YWLP to other young women.

Florence’s leadership journey involved learning new things and inspiring a lot of young people in her community and those she has encountered along the way.

Despite the obstacles she has faced, Florence now knows the qualities of a good leader and the tools leaders can use to achieve their goals. She shared, “Most importantly, through it all, I came to discover who I am and what I want.”

The YWLP is not the end of the journey, but rather, the beginning. She aspires to explore and pursue all the opportunities that come her way.

About the author: Ann-Ruth, 23, has worked with Further Arts, a Vanuatu-based charitable association furthering Vanuatu music, media, dance, and culture. She is currently running her own small business in painting and sewing. Photo by Valerie Fernandez.

The Vanuatu Young Women’s Leadership Program (YWLP) is implemented by CARE in Vanuatu with the generous support of the Australian Government. The YWLP is a 12-month program which promotes the leadership of young women so they can take action to promote gender equality and eliminate violence against women and young girls in Vanuatu. Over eighty young women aged 18 to 30, including women with disabilities and diverse gender identities, have graduated from the program since it started in 2017. These graduates are now using the knowledge, skills and confidence strengthened through the YWLP to realize gender equality in their families, communities and across Vanuatu. All the young women featured in these stories, and those who captured their photographs and stories, are YWLP graduates.

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