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Impunity must end as attacks on aid workers rise to record highs

August 19, 2024 – Last year, 280 aid workers were killed in attacks. According to the Aid Worker Security Database, which tracks deliberate acts of violence affecting aid workers, 2023 was the most dangerous year on record for the humanitarian sector.

Just eight months into the year, 2024 is already the second deadliest year since the database began recording statistics in 1997. Since January, 176 aid workers have been killed in attacks.

On World Humanitarian Day, CARE is demanding an end to attacks on aid workers, an end to impunity for perpetrators, and increased support to local and national organisations, including women led organisations, to adequately manage security risks as they are the first and last to respond to humanitarian crises in circumstances often judged too high risk by international actors.

Michelle Nunn, CARE President and CEO, said: “We honor and mourn the loss of all those who have lost their lives in the service of helping others and saving lives. As conflicts escalate and humanitarian needs around the world reach historic levels, aid workers must be protected. Their work is critical for the millions who turn to them for assistance. All armed actors must abide by their obligations under international humanitarian law. Humanitarian workers and civilians can never be a target”

In 2023, the Occupied Palestinian Territories (OPT) became the most dangerous place to be an aid worker. Last year, 163 aid workers were killed in attacks. In 2024, 121 aid workers have been killed in OPT, according to the database. This year, Sudan was the next most dangerous country with 12 aid workers killed, and eight have been killed in South Sudan.

Nahed Abu Iyada, Health Program Field Officer for CARE West Bank and Gaza, said: “The biggest challenge for me as an aid worker is the lack of safety and security. Right now, no one in Gaza is safe. International humanitarian law is not being respected and we can be attacked at anytime, anywhere, and without any warning.

Abu Iyada added: “The lack of security is taking a toll on our wellbeing. Now, we live in tents or overcrowded shelters, struggle to find enough food and water for our children, and cannot sleep due to the constant sound of bombing. There is never a second of respite. There is no safe space, not for our bodies, and not for our minds. Gaza is going through hell right now, and we are all suffering.”

The overwhelming majority of recorded attacks on aid workers are inflicted on national staff. While 95% of the victims of recorded attacks on aid workers since January 2023 were national staff, 5% were international staff.

National staff and partner organisations are critical to humanitarian responses but too often, their vital role goes unrecognised. Women aid workers face unique and often increased risks, just because they are women. Yet they are able to reach crises affected communities, especially women and girls who are disproportionately affected, in ways that men cannot.

Sofía Sprechmann Sineiro, Secretary General of CARE International, said: “National staff and staff from local and national organisations are the real heroes. Yet, they often operate on a shoestring, with inadequate funding to even afford the most basic security equipment and training.”

For media inquires, please contact  usa.media@care.org.

Editor’s Notes

August 19 was originally designated WHD by the United Nations General Assembly in commemoration of the 22 aid workers who lost their lives in a bomb attack in Baghdad in 2003. Every year, WHD is a moment, according to the UN, to advocate for the “survival, well-being and dignity of people affected by crises, and for the safety and security of aid workers.” The theme of this year’s WHD is #ActForHumanity, demanding those in power end impunity for attacks.

The Aid Worker Security Database tracks major, deliberate attacks on aid workers.

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