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CARE Receives Golden Halo Award for Corporate Partnership Efforts

Jorja Currington/CARE

Jorja Currington/CARE

Monday, June 14, 2021 – CARE is this year’s nonprofit recipient of the Golden Halo Award, North America’s highest honor for corporate social initiatives and cause marketing, showcasing successful consumer engagement and employee engagement efforts.

The award was given by Engage For Good (formerly known as Cause Marketing Forum), an organization with the stated goal of “providing business and nonprofit professionals working at the intersection of cause and commerce with the practical information and connections they need to succeed.”

In receiving the award, CARE President and CEO Michelle Nunn highlighted a number of CARE’s recent successful partnerships, including International Women’s Day, presented by Procter & Gamble, Tiffany’s “Infinite Strength” campaign, and the Dove Promises Holiday campaign, in collaboration with Mars. The most recent example, the Evening with CARE event celebrating the 75th Anniversary of the CARE Package, also got a mention.

“The story of the last few years for us has been discovering the power of visibility,” Nunn said in her remarks. “In short, getting more comfortable in the spotlight, instead of only quietly laboring behind the scenes. As this audience knows, this isn’t about glorying in our accomplishments. It’s truly a means to an impact end. Visibility translates to more effective fundraising and more fruitful partnerships, which all means that we have more resources for what we do best, which is our mission: to save lives, fight poverty, and work toward equality for all people.”


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