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CARE Package NFT Project Delivers Urgent Humanitarian Aid to Afghan Families in Need

Against the backdrop of Afghanistan's deepening humanitarian crisis, an edition of nonfungible token (NFT) "CARE Packages" has raised more than $200,000 so far to help Afghans in need. Each edition of this NFT covers one family's emergency needs for a month.

The brainchild of Jack Butcher, founder of Visualize Value, a single “CARE Package for Afghanistan” NFT edition was sold to crypto users for 0.03 Ether (ETH) or 10 at a time for 0.28 ETH. Sale proceeds totaled 59.54 ETH (roughly $208,879) as of Oct. 11. (Etherscan transaction details available below.)

The individual NFT is now sold out, but 888 of the “CARE Package x 10” edition are still available to purchase at http://vv.run/carepackage.

“NFTs push the relationship between art and philanthropy into an entirely new paradigm. Digital art can create and sustain movements in ways that physical art cannot. Internet-native communities can organize quickly to direct large amounts of capital instantly, from anywhere, to anyone. Platforms like The Giving Block and Mirror are building the infrastructure to point the power of crypto and its community at the world’s most pressing issues,” Butcher says. “Thank you to CARE for your incredible work, we are just getting started.”

“NFTs have made it easier than ever for creators to support their favorite causes using their artistic creativity and the NFT community has come out in full force to support amazing causes like CARE,” says Alex Wilson, Co-Founder of The Giving Block. “We’re excited by the growth of crypto philanthropy this year and know this is only the beginning.”

Afghanistan’s humanitarian crisis, driven by rapidly escalating conflict and worsened by drought and COVID-19, continues to deepen, with tens of thousands forced to leave their homes and leave everything behind.

“Our deepest thanks to Jack Butcher and the more than a thousand individuals who contributed to this NFT campaign to support the people of Afghanistan at this critical time,” says Michelle Nunn, President and CEO at CARE. “We applaud the generosity and creativity of the crypto community to help rush emergency aid to Afghan families, and trust we can keep building on this innovative partnership.”

CARE has worked in Afghanistan since 1961, and we have strong relationships in local communities. We provide critical aid, including shelter, clean water, education, health care, and more. In partnership with the Kabul Women’s Association, we are distributing funds raised through this NFT project as cash directly to families in Kabul impacted by the crisis. Each household is receiving $179 to help cover their needs for two months.

To learn more about CARE’s work with crypto, please visit care.org/crypto or contact Alejandra Villalobos, Associate Vice President for Major Gifts, at alejandra.villalobos@care.org.


CARE Package for Afghanistan Funds Sent:

8/18/21 — 33.824 ETH: https://etherscan.io/tx/0x633a96794e090e2977e9c95063d16051bcdbbbadea02e703fbb62f263971b322
8/19/21 — 5.04 ETH: https://etherscan.io/tx/0x292796e375a25bf44a8ed40a7876e61d4d4a1d5e1d2689377685fcaec783378d
8/21/21 — 5.684 ETH: https://etherscan.io/tx/0x43822f7d15b7e78ac7ae5fbff7442541fcf03551fc3324460517777a6045e008
8/23/21 — 2.212 ETH: https://etherscan.io/tx/0x01e87f5e7c1b1d2de53254024caa83a240c4c94b7827609bcfc36f4db8e9c8dc
8/26/21 — 9.24 ETH: https://etherscan.io/tx/0xb376951f906f4eec64ee0e3d5d6dc804d9bd9c4359045c753d22fa48b26158d9
8/31/21 — 3.36 ETH: https://etherscan.io/tx/0xbd14fb8f5ca090523f90fb6be65ef01b66f04d4d846579d1bce3b53bccdfeff6
10/11/21 – 0.28 ETH: https://etherscan.io/tx/0x93f2bdc92fc80a0411640eb51ceef99cb80eb6e13eb6d05616e77fd38cde4041

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