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CARE Honduras Drives Interest Tackling Gender-based Violence on Social Media

Two iPhones, each showing an example of a Facebook post by CARE Honduras.

With 6.2 cases of femicide for every 100,000 people, gender-based violence (GBV) is one of Honduras’ most serious social challenges. According to a USAID report, 50% of women in western Honduras reported having experienced GBV, with the most frequent form being emotional violence.

To raise awareness about and shift social norms around GBV, CARE Honduras, in partnership with Meta, ran a six-week digital social and behavior change communication (SBCC) campaign in 2022. The campaign, which ran from October to November, tested ads that emphasized the severity of GBV in Honduras and its different manifestations.


  • To address the rampant social issue of gender-based violence, CARE Honduras ran a social media-based ad campaign that raised awareness about the severity and forms of GBV.
  • The campaign was effective in driving intent to action, with approximately 54,000 additional people expressing interest in volunteering or funding awareness-building about gender-based violence.
  • CARE Honduras drove the highest intent to action in non-affluent regions compared to similar GBV campaigns that ran in Ecuador and Guatemala at the same time.


Brainstorming a creative plan began with a social listening exercise conducted by Data for Good at Meta team to understand current knowledge, behavior, and attitudes towards GBV in Honduras. CARE Honduras’ ad campaign consisted of a series of static graphics as well as short vertical videos optimized for Instagram Reels and Stories, which were designed based on insights from the social listening report.


The animated creatives not only raised awareness about GBV, but also highlighted how to identify violence and its manifestations. The graphic below, which was the most shared post in the campaign, depicts numerous forms of gender-based violence. All ads were linked to a study conducted by CARE and UN WOMEN on the differentiated impact of the health and environmental crises on women and girls.


Some communication results from the campaign included:

  • On average, affluent audiences were 38% more engaged (reactions, comments shares) than non-affluent audiences.
  • Interestingly, non-affluent audiences watched the videos for 55% longer and were less likely to share than affluent audiences. This was the opposite of CARE Ecuador’s communication results.
  • The share rate of 0.057% was +41% higher than the campaign average among Honduras, Ecuador, and Guatemala as well as CARE’s benchmarks.


With support from Meta, CARE Honduras’ ad campaign reached 2.2 million individuals across the country. To gauge how successful the campaign was in changing knowledge, attitudes, and behavior, Meta facilitated a brand lift study where both people exposed and unexposed to the ads were asked:

  • Ad Recall: Do you recall seeing an ad from CARE Honduras online or on a mobile device in the past two days?
  • How interested would you be in volunteering or funding work to educate people about gender-based violence?
  • Which of the following do you most associate with gender-based violence?
  • How serious is the problem of gender-based violence in Honduras?

The brand lift study further targeted testing between affluent and non-affluent regions within Honduras to assess if there was a difference in attitudes and learning. The main results included:

  • Approximately 54,000 additional people across both campaign audiences were likely to be interested in volunteering or funding work to educate people about gender-based violence. There was nearly equal lift in both affluent and non-affluent audiences.
  • The campaign was more successful in driving awareness of forms of GBV among the affluent audience, particularly among men.
  • Across all three questions, men had a lower baseline of awareness about the issue than women did, suggesting that there is continued room to impact the knowledge, attitude and behaviors of men in Honduras.


“I believe that the success of the campaign was due to the fact that we mentioned issues according to the reality of the country so that the public could identify with the messages,” said Dennise Romero, the Communications Officer for Project PROLEMPA in CARE Honduras.

What’s next?

The campaign results revealed that men were less aware of GBV and its manifestations than women. Furthermore, there is an equal opportunity to impact affluent and non-affluent audiences in Honduras. According to Romero, the country office hopes to communicate and resonate more with the male audience by involving more men in future campaigns as influencers or spokespersons. CARE Honduras has also launched a second phase to their campaign that will test the number of times individuals need to see a message in order to make a behavior change.

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