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The World: "War in Sudan enters 9th month"

Nine months since the start of the conflict in Sudan, CARE’s Shakir el-Hassan spoke with The World about the deteriorating humanitarian situation there. Hassan, who was displaced twice since April 2023, also shared his own personal story.

CARE mentions:

Hassan works for CARE, one of the nongovernmental organizations working around the clock to provide humanitarian relief to the millions of civilians impacted by a crisis that remains grossly underfunded and overlooked. 

Before last year, Hassan said, he never imagined he would one day have to flee himself.

“Now, it is very clear for me, what does it mean to leave your home. Sheltering in another place, strange for you, not sure what is going to happen tomorrow.”

With every passing day, the humanitarian needs in Sudan continue to grow.

“Every day, I see people arriving here in Kassala. Yesterday, I was in the bus terminal. The tents prepared for receiving people [are] full, and buses are coming with more people” Hassan said.

Read the full article and listen to the story here.



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