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Fast Company: How to help the fight against child marriage on this International Day of the Girl

In many villages of Nepal and Bangladesh, adolescent girls are prohibited from outdoor sports. CARE's Tipping Point program introduced different ideas so girls can move freely and compete. Credit: CARE
In many villages of Nepal and Bangladesh, adolescent girls are prohibited from outdoor sports. CARE's Tipping Point program introduced different ideas so girls can move freely and compete. Credit: CARE

An estimated 64 million girls around the world are forced into marriage before the age of 18 and on this year’s International Day of the Girl, Fastcompany.com published a story about ways to stop the harmful practice of child marriage. 

A link to photos from a CARE child marriage program in Nepal and Bangladesh was featured in the story. CARE gave girls in the program cameras to document their everyday lives to hear from them about the differences they’ve seen since the program, called Tipping Point, that addresses the root causes of child marriage, joined their villages. 

The story also included a link to remind Congress to invest in foreign aid that supports women and girls. Read it here


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