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CARE honors Three Syrian women with ‘Deliver Lasting Change’ Award

Houda Atassi, civil engineer, humanitarian and
Houda Atassi, civil engineer, humanitarian and "Delivering Lasting Change" Award winner.

WASHINGTON-(May 3, 2016)- CARE presented today its annual “Deliver Lasting Change Award” to three Syrian women to recognize their dedication serving on the humanitarian frontlines of the Syrian war to deliver relief, freedom and justice to the Syrian people. The award was presented as part of the CARE National Conference in Washington D.C.

In partnership with CARE, these women are not only committed to delivering lasting solutions to those impacted by the Syrian conflict but also advocating for their rights and needs.

Sandra Bitarova, from CARE partner Emissa, has been a humanitarian activist since the beginning of the Syrian conflict. This year, CARE has helped Emissa reach 2,800 families with distribution of food baskets, food stocks and planting potatoes to make sure people living in besieged areas have enough to eat.

Houda Atassi is a civil engineer who became a humanitarian after the war began. She has worked on the ground delivering aid to displaced people in Syria and is now a director at International Humanitarian Relief(IHR). Her organization prioritizes assistance to female-headed households and programming targeting women, including a maternal health project. CARE has supported a winterization project by IHR to support 250 vulnerable families in a hard-to-reach area.

Maria Al Abdeh is founder and director of Women Now, an organization led by Syrian women to serve Syrian women. Women Now is focused on strengthening women’s political, social and economic participation and is the largest women’s organization working to empower Syrian women. CARE is preparing to launch a project with Women Now to support a women empowerment center offering education, vocational training and psycho-social support to women in a besieged area of Syria.

“These three women embody the kind of strength, courage and commitment that will lead the next generation of Syrians. They have sacrificed their safety to get life-saving aid to Syrians in need and fight for their rights,” said Michelle Nunn, president and CEO of CARE. “Their tireless dedication and resilience is emblematic of the dignity and strength of so many Syrians who are displaced and vulnerable, but trying to find hope in the terrible tragedy around them.”

Through their powerful organizations, these women work with CARE to deliver life-saving emergency assistance to people affected, while also providing solutions to help cope with the longer term crisis. With these partners, CARE is assisting families with livelihoods support, microfinance and psychosocial support.


Media Contact: Holly Frew, hfrew@care.org +1.404.979.9389

About CARE: Founded in 1945, CARE is a leading humanitarian organization fighting global poverty. CARE has more than six decades of experience helping people prepare for disasters, providing lifesaving assistance when a crisis hits, and helping communities recover after the emergency has passed. CARE places special focus on women and children, who are often disproportionately affected by disasters. To learn more, visit www.care.org.

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