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Associated Press: WWII survivor Living in Florida Helps Syrian Refugee

Renate Senter. CREDIT: Associated Press 
Renate Senter. CREDIT: Associated Press 

Renate Senter recalls what life was like as a 5-year-old WWII refugee. She remembers hiding under stairways and the sounds of war. One memory stands out. That is the day she received her first CARE Package, she told the Associated Press. The original CARE packages were sent by Americans to help European WWII refugees.

“The very first thing I saw was this beautiful, white, genuine white paper,” she said. “It was beautiful. Right next to it was a pencil.”

Earlier this year, she sent a CARE package of her own to a Syrian child refugee named Duha. “I would like to get to know you and hope I will be able to help you in a small way,” Senter wrote.

Watch the video on USA Today.


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