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34 Organizations Call for a Ceasefire and Sustained Solution Towards Peace

Naimah Abu Halima (56) sits with her daughter Hannah (32) in a UN school after fleeing from the north of Gaza following a warning from the Israeli Defence Forces (IDF).
Naimah Abu Halima (56) sits with her daughter Hannah (32) in a UN school after fleeing from the north of Gaza following a warning from the Israeli Defence Forces (IDF).

Military actions by all parties must stop. Since 2009, history has shown that military operations have failed to bring peace and security for people in Gaza and in Israel. Over the years we have repeatedly called for ceasefires and for all sides to protect civilians from harm. Sadly, these ceasefires have not lasted and we have had to revert back to life-saving relief and emergency programs, aiding innocent people to cope with the trauma, and rebuilding Gaza time and time again.

With civilians in Gaza killed by Israeli airstrikes and homes, schools, and water facilities damaged and destroyed and as rockets continue to be fired from Gaza towards Israel, we now call again for a ceasefire.

But, we cannot accept a simple return to the status quo. Structural changes must be made so that people caught in the hostilities are protected from violence and that their rights and needs are respected and fulfilled.

Such changes must result in assurances of security for both sides, Palestinian sovereignty, and respect for international humanitarian and human rights law.

We the undersigned humanitarian, development, faith, and rights based organizations call on the International Community to immediately start this process by redoubling efforts to work effectively with the parties to agree to durable solutions that contribute to a just peace for all in the region, ending the blockade in Gaza, and systematically addressing and ensuring accountability for violations of international humanitarian and human rights law.

1. Action Against Hunger (ACF)

2. ActionAid

3. American Friends Service Committee (AFSC)


5. Catholic Relief Services (CRS)


7. DanChurchAid (DCA)

8. Diakonia

9. Global Communities

10. Gruppo di Volontariato Civile (GVC)

11. Help Age International

12. Heinrich-Böll-Foundation

13. HEKS

14. International Learning Centers (ILC)

15. Japan International Volunteer Center (JVC)

16. Medical Aid For Palestinians – MAP UK

17. medico international

18. Mennonite Central Committee (MCC)

19. Norwegian Church Aid (NCA)

20. Norwegian People’s Aid (NPA)

21. Norwegian Refugee Council (NRC)

22. Oxfam

23. Polish Humanitarian Action (PAH)

24. Premiere Urgence Aide Medicale Internationale (PU-AMI)

25. Save the Children

26. Solidaridad Internacional- Alianza por la Solidaridad ( SI- APS)

27. Terres des Hommes Italy (TdH Italia)

28. Terres des Hommes Lausanne

29. The Carter Center

30. The Lutheran World Federation

31. The Swedish Organization for Individual Relief (SOIR)

32. Volontariato Internazionale per lo Sviluppo (VIS)

33. War Child

34. World Vision Jerusalem – West Bank- Gaza

The organizations signing this statement are all members of the Association of International Development Agencies (AIDA), a coordinating body of more than 70 INGOs working in Palestine.


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34 Organizations Call for a Ceasefire and Sustained Solution Towards Peace

Military actions by all parties must stop. Since 2009, history has shown that military operations have failed to bring peace and security for people in Gaza and in Israel. Over the years we have repeatedly called for ceasefires and for all sides to protect civilians from harm. Sadly, these ceasefires have not lasted and we

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34 Organizations Call for a Ceasefire and Sustained Solution Towards Peace

Military actions by all parties must stop. Since 2009, history has shown that military operations have failed to bring peace and security for people in Gaza and in Israel. Over the years we have repeatedly called for ceasefires and for all sides to protect civilians from harm. Sadly, these ceasefires have not lasted and we

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34 Organizations Call for a Ceasefire and Sustained Solution Towards Peace

Military actions by all parties must stop. Since 2009, history has shown that military operations have failed to bring peace and security for people in Gaza and in Israel. Over the years we have repeatedly called for ceasefires and for all sides to protect civilians from harm. Sadly, these ceasefires have not lasted and we

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34 Organizations Call for a Ceasefire and Sustained Solution Towards Peace

Military actions by all parties must stop. Since 2009, history has shown that military operations have failed to bring peace and security for people in Gaza and in Israel. Over the years we have repeatedly called for ceasefires and for all sides to protect civilians from harm. Sadly, these ceasefires have not lasted and we

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34 Organizations Call for a Ceasefire and Sustained Solution Towards Peace

Military actions by all parties must stop. Since 2009, history has shown that military operations have failed to bring peace and security for people in Gaza and in Israel. Over the years we have repeatedly called for ceasefires and for all sides to protect civilians from harm. Sadly, these ceasefires have not lasted and we

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34 Organizations Call for a Ceasefire and Sustained Solution Towards Peace

Military actions by all parties must stop. Since 2009, history has shown that military operations have failed to bring peace and security for people in Gaza and in Israel. Over the years we have repeatedly called for ceasefires and for all sides to protect civilians from harm. Sadly, these ceasefires have not lasted and we

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34 Organizations Call for a Ceasefire and Sustained Solution Towards Peace

Military actions by all parties must stop. Since 2009, history has shown that military operations have failed to bring peace and security for people in Gaza and in Israel. Over the years we have repeatedly called for ceasefires and for all sides to protect civilians from harm. Sadly, these ceasefires have not lasted and we

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34 Organizations Call for a Ceasefire and Sustained Solution Towards Peace

Military actions by all parties must stop. Since 2009, history has shown that military operations have failed to bring peace and security for people in Gaza and in Israel. Over the years we have repeatedly called for ceasefires and for all sides to protect civilians from harm. Sadly, these ceasefires have not lasted and we

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34 Organizations Call for a Ceasefire and Sustained Solution Towards Peace

Military actions by all parties must stop. Since 2009, history has shown that military operations have failed to bring peace and security for people in Gaza and in Israel. Over the years we have repeatedly called for ceasefires and for all sides to protect civilians from harm. Sadly, these ceasefires have not lasted and we

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34 Organizations Call for a Ceasefire and Sustained Solution Towards Peace

Military actions by all parties must stop. Since 2009, history has shown that military operations have failed to bring peace and security for people in Gaza and in Israel. Over the years we have repeatedly called for ceasefires and for all sides to protect civilians from harm. Sadly, these ceasefires have not lasted and we

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34 Organizations Call for a Ceasefire and Sustained Solution Towards Peace

Military actions by all parties must stop. Since 2009, history has shown that military operations have failed to bring peace and security for people in Gaza and in Israel. Over the years we have repeatedly called for ceasefires and for all sides to protect civilians from harm. Sadly, these ceasefires have not lasted and we

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34 Organizations Call for a Ceasefire and Sustained Solution Towards Peace

Military actions by all parties must stop. Since 2009, history has shown that military operations have failed to bring peace and security for people in Gaza and in Israel. Over the years we have repeatedly called for ceasefires and for all sides to protect civilians from harm. Sadly, these ceasefires have not lasted and we

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34 Organizations Call for a Ceasefire and Sustained Solution Towards Peace

Military actions by all parties must stop. Since 2009, history has shown that military operations have failed to bring peace and security for people in Gaza and in Israel. Over the years we have repeatedly called for ceasefires and for all sides to protect civilians from harm. Sadly, these ceasefires have not lasted and we

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34 Organizations Call for a Ceasefire and Sustained Solution Towards Peace

Military actions by all parties must stop. Since 2009, history has shown that military operations have failed to bring peace and security for people in Gaza and in Israel. Over the years we have repeatedly called for ceasefires and for all sides to protect civilians from harm. Sadly, these ceasefires have not lasted and we

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34 Organizations Call for a Ceasefire and Sustained Solution Towards Peace

Military actions by all parties must stop. Since 2009, history has shown that military operations have failed to bring peace and security for people in Gaza and in Israel. Over the years we have repeatedly called for ceasefires and for all sides to protect civilians from harm. Sadly, these ceasefires have not lasted and we

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34 Organizations Call for a Ceasefire and Sustained Solution Towards Peace

Military actions by all parties must stop. Since 2009, history has shown that military operations have failed to bring peace and security for people in Gaza and in Israel. Over the years we have repeatedly called for ceasefires and for all sides to protect civilians from harm. Sadly, these ceasefires have not lasted and we

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34 Organizations Call for a Ceasefire and Sustained Solution Towards Peace

Military actions by all parties must stop. Since 2009, history has shown that military operations have failed to bring peace and security for people in Gaza and in Israel. Over the years we have repeatedly called for ceasefires and for all sides to protect civilians from harm. Sadly, these ceasefires have not lasted and we

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34 Organizations Call for a Ceasefire and Sustained Solution Towards Peace

Military actions by all parties must stop. Since 2009, history has shown that military operations have failed to bring peace and security for people in Gaza and in Israel. Over the years we have repeatedly called for ceasefires and for all sides to protect civilians from harm. Sadly, these ceasefires have not lasted and we

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34 Organizations Call for a Ceasefire and Sustained Solution Towards Peace

Military actions by all parties must stop. Since 2009, history has shown that military operations have failed to bring peace and security for people in Gaza and in Israel. Over the years we have repeatedly called for ceasefires and for all sides to protect civilians from harm. Sadly, these ceasefires have not lasted and we

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34 Organizations Call for a Ceasefire and Sustained Solution Towards Peace

Military actions by all parties must stop. Since 2009, history has shown that military operations have failed to bring peace and security for people in Gaza and in Israel. Over the years we have repeatedly called for ceasefires and for all sides to protect civilians from harm. Sadly, these ceasefires have not lasted and we

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34 Organizations Call for a Ceasefire and Sustained Solution Towards Peace

Military actions by all parties must stop. Since 2009, history has shown that military operations have failed to bring peace and security for people in Gaza and in Israel. Over the years we have repeatedly called for ceasefires and for all sides to protect civilians from harm. Sadly, these ceasefires have not lasted and we

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34 Organizations Call for a Ceasefire and Sustained Solution Towards Peace

Military actions by all parties must stop. Since 2009, history has shown that military operations have failed to bring peace and security for people in Gaza and in Israel. Over the years we have repeatedly called for ceasefires and for all sides to protect civilians from harm. Sadly, these ceasefires have not lasted and we

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