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Embassy of Finland, From the Arctic to Africa

Her Harvest, Our Future with Ambassador Kristi Kauppi of Finland

Ambassador Kristi Kauppi stands next to a man in a blak suit and a woman in a black coat People in formal attires are standing in groups talking to each other A man in a black suit stands next to a woman in black clothing Three women in formal attire stand next to a man in a black suit Three women in formal attire stand next to a man in a black suit A man in a black suit and a yellow tie is standing next to a woman in a black dress and a blue scarf and a man in a black suit and a purple tie A woman in a grey shit and a black and white scarf is talking to a man in a black suit, both standing next to a table with a small candle on top of it A man in a black suit is standing next to a woman in a black suit. Both are holding glasses of a beverage A man in a black suit is talking to a woman in a black suit. Both are holding glasses of a beverage A man in a black suit stands next to a woman in a black suit and a woman in a black jacket A man in a black suit stands next to a woman in black clothing and a colorful handbag A woman in a grey shit and a black and white scarf is talking to a man in a black suit, both standing next to a table with a small candle on top of it Ambassador Kristi Kauppi is talking to a woman in a black jacket holding some piece of paper Ambassador Kristi Kauppi is standing next to a man in a black suit and a woman in a black jacket A woman in black suit is talking with two men also wearing black suits Four women and a man in formal attires are standing together Two women in red clothing, a child, a woman in grey clothing, and a man in a black suit stand next together A man in a black suit, a woman in blue clothing, and a woman in a black suit stand next to Ambassador Kristi Kauppi Four women and a man in formal attires are standing together A woman in black clothing with a black and white scarf is standing next a woman in black clothing with a red coat and a woman in black jacket with a pink scarf A woman in a beige suit is standing next to a man in a black suit A woman in black and white jacket and blue scarf is talking to a man in a black suit and a blue tie Ambassador Kristi Kauppi is holding a CARE award standing next to two men in black suits, one of them holding another CARE award, and a woman in a black and white shirt in front of a CARE banner Ambassador Kristi Kauppi is holding a CARE award standing next to two men in black suits, one of them holding another CARE award, and a woman in a black and white shirt in front of a CARE banner Four women and a man in formal attires are talking pictures with their phones A man in a black suit is giving a speech in front of other people in formal attires Ambassador Kristi Kauppi is holding a CARE award standing next to a woman in a black and white shirt in front of a CARE banner Ambassador Kristi Kauppi is holding a CARE award standing next to a woman in a black and white shirt in front of a CARE banner Ambassador Kristi Kauppi is holding a CARE award standing between a man in a black suit and a woman in a black jacket in front of a CARE banner A woman in a black jacket is giving a speech next to man in a black suit A man in a black suit is giving a speech in front of other people in formal attires A man in a black suit is giving a speech in front of other people in formal attires A man in a red shit and black suit is standing next to a woman in black and white shirt holding a CARE award Multiple people in formal attires are standing while there is a CARE Action logo projected on the screen A woman in a black and white shirt is giving a speech next to a CARE banner Multiple people in formal attires are standing A man in a black suit and blue tie stands next to a woman with a red shit and a gray top and a woman in a black and white jacket A man in black suit, a woman in pink top and a black coat, and a woman in a black top and a red coat are standing next to Ambassador Kristi Kauppi A man in black suit and a woman in pink top and a black coat are standing next to Ambassador Kristi Kauppi Ambassador Kristi Kauppi is talking to a man in a black suit. Both are holding glasses of a beverage A man in a black suit stands between two women, one in a black suit and another with a green top and a black jacket Ambassador Kristi Kauppi, two women in formal attire, and a man in a black suit stand next to each other Ambassador Kristi Kauppi and a man in a black suit are standing in front of a CARE banner Two men, one in chef costume and another in a black suit, are talking to each other Ambassador Kristi Kauppi and a woman in a black dress and a red coat stand together in front of a CARE banner Ambassador Kristi Kauppi and a woman in a black dress and a red coat stand together in front of a CARE banner Ambassador Kristi Kauppi and a woman in colorful clothing are standing and talking to each other in front of a CARE banner A woman in a black dress and red coat stands in the middle of two men in black suits A woman in a black dress and red coat stands in the middle of two men in black suits A man in a black suit stands next to a woman in black clothing A woman in black clothing is speaking with another woman in a black jacket next to a woman in red clothing A man in a black suit, a woman in a black dress, and a woman in black clothing stand next to each other Two men in black suits standing and holding pieces of paper are talking to each other Ambassador Kristi Kauppi stands in the middle of a man in a black suit and a woman in a yellow and black dress
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Embassy of Finland, From the Arctic to Africa

Photo credit: Neshan H. Naltchayan