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Attend an Event

Meet fellow philanthropists and advocates and join the fight against global poverty at one of our many events and trips.

A group of people pose on stage with CARE President Michelle Nunn. Behind them is a large banner that says
Laura Noel / CARE

Throughout the year, CARE hosts events throughout the United States and in the over 100 countries where we work. These events are designed to bring people together, spark meaningful conversation around our work, and resource our future for the fight against global poverty.

A CARE event promises to leave you with answers about how we can all help support women and girls around the world. You will find yourself among a passionate group of philanthropists and change-makers who are committed to cutting poverty off at its roots and providing tools for sustainable change to people experiencing hunger, violence, and disease.

Learn more about our upcoming events below.

CARE on Capitol Hill

In 2023, CARE launched CARE on Capitol Hill to bring advocates – including global women leaders from around the world – to Washington, D.C. several times a year during strategic legislative moments on Capitol Hill when decisions are being made and CARE can have the biggest impact on its policy agenda.

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CARE Power Panel

Join us for CARE Power Panel, our talk series focusing on emergency response and disaster relief locally and globally as we discuss possible solutions to our ever-changing world.

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