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Frequently Asked Questions

General information about CARE

CARE is a 501(c)(3) not-for-profit organization. Our EIN (Tax ID) number is 13-1685039. CARE can be found on the IRS Exempt Organizations list or by filling in the following information:

  • EIN: 13-1685039
  • Legal Name: Cooperative for Assistance and Relief Everywhere, Inc.
  • State of Incorporation: Washington, DC
  • Country: US

Read through our most Frequently Asked Questions below.

Need a tax receipt?

Calendar-year tax summaries will be mailed via USPS in January to the address we have on file. If you do not receive yours by late February, you can fill out this form at that time.

If you are looking for a receipt for a specific gift, note that all online gifts get immediately receipted (check your Spam folder.) If you still need a receipt, please fill out this form.

Questions about donating to CARE

How can I donate to CARE?

CARE is a 501(c)(3) not-for-profit organization. Our EIN (Tax ID) number is 13-1685039.

If you are a current supporter of CARE, please go to our Supporter Services FAQs for help with account or credit card updates, changes to your recurring gift, and tax receipt requests.

Ways to donate:

How can I or my company partner with CARE for fundraising opportunities?

There are many ways your company can partner with CARE:

  • Many companies match their employees’ charitable contributions. Read more about whether your company matches donations.
  • Support one of CARE’s annual events or marketing programs, such as our annual CARE National Conference, an International Women’s Day event, or our CARE Package campaign. Read more about our corporate partners.
  • Consider hosting brown-bag lunches on CARE’s work at your company, include CARE in your internal communications materials, or feature CARE on your intranet site or CSR pages.
  • By sharing information about CARE with your consumers, customers, and partners, you help multiply the reach of CARE’s work.
  • Interested in learning more? Contact our team at corporateinterest@care.org.

Where do my donations go?

The majority of our donors want their gift to be used wherever the need is greatest. This allows CARE the flexibility to use resources as efficiently as possible.

CARE’s financial records are available to the public. Ninety percent of our expended resources support program activities. Ten percent of expended resources go toward administrative and fundraising expenditures. We conform to the highest accounting and financial standards.

Can I donate clothes, food, or other supplies?

We do not accept donations of clothes and food. Whenever possible, CARE buys supplies locally, thereby supporting a developing economy.

How can I donate my Delta SkyMiles? How exactly are they used?

Donating your Delta SkyMiles to CARE enables our poverty-fighting experts to travel all over the world to advance our humanitarian mission. Donated miles are a big money saver for CARE, allowing us to put more funds directly into aid efforts. Make your miles matter by clicking here and looking for the CARE logo.

Supporter services

How can I donate to CARE?

For questions on how to donate, go to our Donations FAQs.

CARE is a 501(c)(3) not-for-profit organization. Our EIN (Tax ID) number is 13-1685039.

How can I update my address?

To change your address information, call us at 1-800-422-7385 or fill out the form at the bottom of our Contact Us page.

How can I make changes to my recurring donation?

For any requests pertaining to your recurring donations, such as a change in amount or payment date, updating your payment method, or cancellation, call us at 1-800-422-7385 or fill out the form at the bottom of our Contact Us page.

How can I be removed from the mailing list and/or email?

The easiest way to stop receiving emails is to click the “Unsubscribe” link at the bottom of any email you receive from CARE.

If you want to stop or limit mailings to your home address, call us at 1-800-422-7385 or fill out the form at the bottom of our Contact Us page.

Please note that it may take from 10-12 weeks for this change to take effect.

I have received a mailing stating my pledge was not fulfilled. Did you receive my donation?

Because of overlapping mailing schedules, sometimes donors receive notifications that their donation was not received, when in fact it was. We apologize for such an occurrence. If you’ve received such a notice and want to check if we received it, please call us at 1-800-422-7385 or fill out the form at the bottom of our Contact Us page.

How can I obtain a receipt for my donation or a year-end statement for taxes?

For donations made online, in person, or over the phone, a receipt is emailed to you the day you make your gift. If you don’t see this email, please check your spam/junk folders. Additionally, if we have a valid address for you, a receipt will be mailed to you. Please allow 2-3 weeks for this to arrive.

For donations made by check, wire, or ACH, a receipt will be mailed via USPS if we have a valid address. Please allow 2-3 weeks for this to arrive.

CARE mails year end statements via USPS in February to donors with a valid address. Expect your receipt arrive between mid-February and mid-March.

If you have not received a receipt and/or tax statement and need a replacement, call us at 1-800-422-7385 or fill out the form at the bottom of our Contact Us page.

Questions about CARE, our work, and research information for students

What is CARE? What does CARE do?

CARE works around the globe to save lives, defeat poverty, and achieve social justice.

We seek a world of hope, inclusion, and social justice, where poverty has been overcome and all people live with dignity and security.

We put women and girls in the center because we know that we cannot overcome poverty until all people have equal rights and opportunities.

Learn more about CARE and about our work or view our recent annual reports online or donate now.

Does the name CARE stand for anything?

CARE was founded in the United States in 1945 when it sent food parcels to Europe. The name stood for ‘Cooperative for American Remittances to Europe.’ As CARE’s activities broadened, this was changed to the ‘Cooperative for Assistance and Relief Everywhere.’ Today the name is used in its own right rather than as an acronym. 

Where does CARE work?

CARE works in more than 100 countries, implementing long-term programs to fight poverty, responding to humanitarian emergencies, and advocating for policy change to improve the lives of people facing poverty.

What is CARE's Tax ID number?

CARE is a 501(c)(3) not-for-profit organization. Our EIN (Tax ID) number is 13-1685039.  CARE can be found on the IRS Exempt Organizations list or by filling in the following information: 

  • EIN: 13-1685039 
  • Legal Name: Cooperative for Assistance and Relief Everywhere, Inc. 
  • State of Incorporation: Washington, DC 
  • Country: US 

Can I use the CARE name and/or logo to raise awareness of your work?

Yes, if used in compliance with CARE’s terms and conditions. Read our terms of use.

Does CARE offer financial assistance or grants?

CARE is not a funding agency and therefore does not provide financial support directly to individuals or organizations. Instead, CARE works in partnership with governments, organizations, and communities in developing countries to create lasting solutions to poverty.

Does CARE provide scholarships?

No, CARE does not provide scholarships or student loans. CARE is not a funding agency and, therefore, does not provide financial support directly to individuals or organizations.

Why doesn't CARE provide assistance within the United States?

CARE does work in the U.S.

For the last 30 years, CARE has been a voice on Capitol Hill advocating for legislation in support much-needed poverty-fighting programs and services around the world, including the foreign assistance budget.

CARE began domestic programming at the outset of the COVID-19 pandemic, when there was a sharp increase in the number of Americans out of work and unable to feed their families. As in many other parts of the world, women and people of color were disproportionately affected by this.

In response to this need, and for the first time in our history, we set up a version of our savings groups in the U.S. to work with low-income women of color and re-introduced the CARE package in the U.S. to provide food assistance and employment opportunities. Currently, CARE is working to expand this program to other hard-hit and disaster-prone areas.

Are you a religious-based organization?

CARE is a nonsectarian organization, meaning we are not affiliated with any religion or belief system.

Research information for students

To learn more about CARE’s poverty-fighting work for your research paper, please refer to the links below.

Questions on working or volunteering for CARE

How do I apply for a job at CARE?

Visit our Careers page to see current job opportunities.

Can I volunteer for CARE?

CARE generally doesn’t recruit volunteers for fieldwork, for several reasons:

  • Whenever possible, CARE works with local people to expand skills and knowledge in a country, as well as to ensure sustainability.
  • Often, local laws prohibit or severely restrict the use of foreign volunteers.
  • Most of our programs require specific expertise and several years of experience in international development and relief.
  • Using volunteers internationally can be very costly in regard to airfare, meals, and lodging.

However, we do occasionally need volunteers to assist with events. Read more about volunteering and other organizing opportunities.

Still have questions? Contact us.