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Hamzari, meaning “move quickly and steadily toward the goal” in the Haussa language, is a five-year, $39 million program that aims to directly address underlying causes of food insecurity and malnutrition – while reinforcing and/or strengthening community systems – in one of the poorest regions of Niger.


Environmental, political, social, and agro-climatic factors in Niger – including diminishing agricultural productivity, degenerating natural resources, and frequent natural and man-made shocks – drive persistent underdevelopment and extreme poverty. Extreme inequality faced by women and girls and weak governance are cross-cutting drivers that are both causes and consequences of food insecurity and hamper progress toward sustainable and inclusive solutions. Hamzari aims to directly address these underlying causes of food insecurity and malnutrition – while reinforcing and/or strengthening community’s systems – in one of the poorest regions of Niger.


The Maradi department of Guidan Roumdji aims to implement a targeted yet flexible combination of interventions and activities to achieve its goal of sustainable, equal, and resilient food and nutrition security for vulnerable groups, with a special focus on women, youth, and young children in the most vulnerable communities. It has three specific objectives:

  1. Sustainable and diversified livelihoods and services improve resilience capacity and reduce extreme vulnerability for women, youth, and marginal households.
  2. Improved health and nutritional status among children < 5 years, adolescent girls, and women of reproductive age.
  3. Improved access and use of sustainable WASH services reduces disease and malnutrition among vulnerable populations.

Hamzari leverages two CARE flagship approaches – She Feeds the World, CARE’s global framework for improved food and nutrition security – in addition to utilizing four fundamental levers to promote transformative change:

  • Strengthening social relationships, leadership, and collective action.
  • Improving social norms and behavior change.
  • Supporting inclusive and accountable institutions.
  • Increasing resilience capacities.

Hamzari deploys sustainable approaches that ensure community ownership and use self-reinforcing and self-transferring mechanisms. Coordination with other USAID, donor, UN, and government initiatives will ensure synergy and mitigate duplication to reach: 96,000 direct participants in 32,000 households spread across 325 villages in Chadakori, Guidan Roumdji, and Guidan Sori, with 17,305 pregnant women and 23,961 breastfeeding women receiving food and nutritional counseling.

Highlighted learning briefs and resources

Synergy For the Resilience Of Vulnerable Communities in Guidan Roumdji Department, Niger

A storybook capturing the transformative impact of Hamzari on the lives of its participants.

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Hamzari’s Pathways to Resilience: Lessons And Innovations in Guidan Roumdji Department, Niger

A compilation of the lessons learned by Hamzari as of 2024.

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Hamzari- Les voies de la résilience : Leçons et innovations dans le département de Guidan Roumdji, Niger

Une compilation des leçons apprises du programme Hamzari.

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Hamzari- Synergie pour la résilience des communautés vulnérables dans le département de Guidan Roumdji, Niger

Un livret d'histoire d'intérêt humain illustrant l'impact transformateur de Hamzari sur la vie de ses participants.

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World Water Day 2024: Annual WASH Systems Award

Each year, the Water Team tributes CARE's Annual WASH Systems award to a team that has done exceptional work to strengthen local capacities and conditions for equitable and sustainable WASH services and lasting water security. On World Water Day 2024, we are proud to present the WASH Systems Award to the USAID-Hamzari WASH team in Niger for their hard work to strengthen the capacities of commune government and demonstrate new models to increase access to WASH services and strengthen water security in Niger.

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Habbanayé: Livestock Asset Building and Protecting Lives in Niger

USAID-HAMZARI deploys sustainable approaches that ensure community ownership and use self-reinforcing and self-transferring mechanisms. One of the flagship activities promoted by HAMZARI is the ‘habbanayé’ activity, a traditional solidarity system. The project enhanced and innovated this practice to maximize its impact.

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Strengthening resilience through cereal banks: A reflection from USAID-HAMZARI

USAID-HAMZARI led support activity for Mata Masu Dubara (MMD), the Village Savings and Loans Associations (VSLA), through the cereal banks thus contributing to the empowerment of underprivileged women and the strengthening of food security in local communities. Cereal banks allow vulnerable farmers not to buy cereals at higher prices during the lean season and not to have to sell their stocks at low prices during the harvest to meet their cash needs.

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