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16 Days of Activism Against Gender Based Violence 2020

A woman in a mask stands outside.

Daniel Romana/CARE

Daniel Romana/CARE

We have 16 days to sound the alarm on preventing and ending violence against women during a global pandemic.

One in three women experience gender-based violence during their lifetime – and that number could be on the rise. Emerging data show that since the COVID-19 pandemic began, violence against women and girls has intensified. Domestic violence, child and forced marriage, and harassment of frontline workers, who are predominantly women, are on the rise everywhere.

There’s no time to waste. For every three months COVID-19 causes shutdowns, experts expect an additional 15 million cases of gender-based violence — on top of what women and girls already face on a regular basis.


5 Actions Needed Now to End Gender-Based Violence

According to UN projections, every three months lockdown measures continue, an additional 15 million cases of gender-based violence could be expected globally. Read More

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Unimaginable Violence Made Cecile a Widow and Mother

Cecile fled the Democratic Republic of Congo after the men who killed her husband came for her. Now a refugee in Uganda, she helps other women cope with trauma. Read More

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Female Genital Cutting May Be on the Rise Due to COVID-19

Activists in Kenya say coronavirus lockdowns could be increasing girls’ likelihoods of facing genital cutting. Read More

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Thought Leadership

How We Can Reduce Gender-Based Violence During COVID-19

The COVID-19 pandemic will likely have adverse and disproportionate effects on women and girls around the world, particularly in the rise of gender-based violence. CARE is working to prevent and respond to this issue in 24 countries. Read More

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Motherhood too soon? Child, early, and forced marriage and adolescent pregnancy in COVID-19

Emergencies can increase child, early and forced marriage and can lead to a rise in adolescent pregnancies Read More

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Meet Rehema: A Congolese Refugee, Survivor, and Women’s Advocate

Rehema lives in Uganda and draws on her personal experiences to support refugee survivors of sexual and gender-based violence. Read More

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