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Reports & Resources Spotlight

Latest Impact Reports

Sanchay Sathi: Transforming VSLA Engagement through Digital Tools

The Sanchay Sathi mobile application represents a significant advancement in the digital empowerment of Village Savings and Loan Associations (VSLAs) in Bangladesh. Focused on the challenging environments of the char and haor regions, the app supports over 2000 VSLA groups, aiding in financial inclusion and economic enhancement through digital record-keeping and management. Read More

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Community Credit and Land Security

This brief discusses the Commonlands initiative in Uganda, which aims to modernize land rights and financial accessibility for rural communities. By leveraging digital tools and community-based verification systems, the program seeks to enhance land security and provide access to credit, empowering marginalized groups, particularly women. Read More

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Digitalizing Savings Groups in Sierra Leone

This brief highlights CARE Sierra Leone's partnership with MiKashBoks to enhance the efficiency and security of Village Savings and Loan Associations (VSLAs) through digital tools. The initiative focuses on improving financial management, digital literacy, and secure transactions, particularly benefiting women in rural communities by transitioning from manual to digital financial practices. Read More

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Latest Evaluations/Research

How Can Approaches that Achieve Gender Equality Help Advance all the SDGs: Impact Evaluations Evidence from CARE Programs

Approaches that achieve gender equality, that move beyond the individual level to address greater interpersonal, socio-cultural, and community factors that influence gender attitudes and behaviors, have been shown by rigorous impact evaluations to be impactful in promoting gender-equitable attitudes (e.g., SASA! Program in Uganda), reducing gender-based violence (e.g., Stepping Stones and Creating Futures program in South Africa), and decreasing social acceptance of intimate partner violence (e.g., RESPECT program in Tanzania). Read the report to find out more. Read More

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Starving for Equality

Two numbers set the frame for the food security situation in the world today. 282 million people are very hungry in the world (acutely food insecure). 84.2 million more women and girls are hungry than men and boys. Food insecurity is a huge global problem, and it’s highly unequal. The Starving for Equality research shows how gender inequality isn’t just a woman’s problem; it’s also bad for men and boys. The research also shows that inequality makes men and boys hungrier, too. Read More

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No Women, No Peace

When crises hit, women step-up as leaders, engaging hands-on to navigate challenges. Women leaders are often overlooked and unsupported in times of crisis, yet they continue to make considerable contributions. They deliver essential health and nutrition services to the most vulnerable. They document human rights abuses and work to make communities safer. They strengthen their livelihoods through resourcefulness and creativity. CARE's Women in War research shows that women are the key to effective crises recovery and long-term peacebuilding. By removing barriers to their participation and amplifying the critical work they are already doing, we can give women the recognition they deserve and empower them to change the future of crisis response. Read More

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Latest Lessons Learned

Rupantaran: Gender Equality through VSLAs in Nepal

The Rupantaran project builds on a decade of work with landless and smallholder farmers in rural Nepal to increase resilience and improve their livelihoods. Village Savings and Loan Associations (VSLAs) were added to the Farmer Field and Business School (FFBS) model as a key way to challenge social norms around women’s participation and decision making, explore opportunities and promote economic empowerment. Read More

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Her Money, Her Life: Gender Equality through VSLAs in Tanzania

The Her Money, Her Life project in Tanzania is maximizing the potential benefits women receive from their crops through a focus on entrepreneurship and collective investment. This brief outlines how the project uses VSLAs as a platform to address root causes of gender inequality. Read More

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Menstrual Hygiene Day 2024

Menstrual Health and Hygiene is relevant to all of us. The theme of this year's Menstrual Hygiene Day is a #PeriodFriendlyWorld. CARE's work with schools, communities and displaced persons supports menstrual materials, infrastructure and education that break down taboos and increase access to menstrual hygiene for all. Below is a small collection of some of CARE's recent work in menstruation. Read More

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