131 million girls around the world are missing out on school, and girls are 50% more likely to lose the opportunity for education than boys.
This gap in education plays out across their whole lives, with only 55% of women being able to work, compared to 78% of men. The World Bank shows that inequality for women and girls in the workplace alone could cost the world $160 trillion. That’s twice the value of the entire global economy.
These numbers highlight fundamental flaws in our systems. 1.7 billion adults do not have access to bank accounts. 1 billion of those people are women. The problem goes even further: 72 countries forbid women from opening bank accounts or accessing credit. Violence against women—in and out of the workplace—costs the world $1.5 trillion. CARE works to help women succeed throughout their lives, from school to work. It’s good for the world, and it’s the right thing to do.